Here we can see sedimentary beds which are at a dipped at an angle due to folding. The beds are quite a uniform thickness and the top of each bed is quite distinct with a coarser grain size in the plane surface.
          This figure shows a variation in bed thickness. These beds also dip (to the bottom right of the photo) but the layer in the middle is thicker than those in the middle right of the shot. This may be due to what is known as a slump deposit on the delta floor where a disturbance (eg earthquake) has caused more sediment to be transported and deposited in one event - sediment slope failure.  
          This close up of the rock surface shows ancient ripple surfaces similar to those you may see on a beach when the tide is out. This once again confirms Saddleworth's marine origins and we are lucky that these detailed features have been preserved in the rock record.  

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